Now, to get to the business of what's happening on this site currently.
I am actually in the process right now of editing and revamping Checkboxes. I was unsatisfied with its current state and unable to continue the story. So far I've completed editing on the first two chapters, and I'll soon be tackling the rest. Unfortunately, it may take a while, given I do have a lot on my plate with other works and with school. Similarly to Mahou Shonen, once the first arc of Checkboxes is thoroughly edited (the start through to the end of the school trip) it will be released as an ebook and paperback through amazon.
I hope to release throughout the coming year Arc Three: Kyoto X Morgue of Mahou Shonen: Just Say No. Just like the first two arcs, it will be posted here first, then edited and adapted into an ebook/paperback available through amazon. It's likely this is an event that will mostly take place during the summertime; I expect at least four of the eight chapters to an arc will be released in summer. No particular update schedule, they'll arrive when I finish them.
I'm also interested in continuing both Bad Dreams and Evil Meet Justice. The other stories featured on this site can sit on the backburner for the time being, but I am planning to improve the chapters of those I've already posted and continue work on them at some point. I'll probably also edit Akuma No Imouto for amazon release at some point during the year, but I won't make promises on any statements from this paragraph.
Life On A String: Mercury has just released on kindle ebook and amazon paperback!
That's right, the third book in the Life On A String series is now available! For those unfamiliar with Life On A String, here's the tea:
Life On A String: Mystery is the first book in the series, and it's a slow-burn enemies to lovers slice of life featuring Korekara's delinquent girl gang well before Box Hako ever got to the school. There's only hints of a larger story and character foundation in this book, so if all you want to read is the plot, you only really need chapter 8 of this book to understand the later ones. At the same time, it's called Mystery for a reason, and one eventual plot aspect will be less satisfying without the entire experience of a particular character.
Life On A String: Medic is the second book in the series. The slow-burn romance comes to a point and the characters involved begin dating, which means it's time to open up their world a little more. The main character starts to make real friends, the love interest works on coming out of her shell, and the groundwork is quietly being laid for the bigger story.
Life On A String: Mercury is the third and latest book in the series, in which the story finally finds itself on the 'other side of the world'. The characters go from dealing with interpersonal conflicts to an actual antagonist, secret organizations, and people with powerful ESP abilities. The main characters are adults now, and it's time to deal with adult problems.